Looking at social media from a more practical point of view, Sweetser and Lariscy (2008) define social media as a read write Web, where the online audience moves beyond passive viewing of Web content to actually contributing to the content‖. One thing that is common in most definitions of social media is the point that it is based on user-generated participation. The opportunity to enjoy user-to-user interaction distinguishes social media from the traditional media which is characterized by top- down news dissemination arrangement (Clark and Aufderheide 2009). Another attribute of the social media which distinguishes it from the traditional media is the choice it accords to its users. Choice enables people to access the information they like to learn about through the social media, eliminating the gatekeeper role of traditional media. On one hand, the choice offered by social media reduces the shared experience that viewers of particular traditional media channels usually have; on the other hand, it creates a network of individuals with like interests and similar preferences.
This study aims to investigate (1) the role of accounting...
Background of the study
The prediction of academic performance has become a key area of interest in educational research, particularly wi...
Background of the Study
Personalized marketing, which involves tailoring marketing messages and offers to individual custom...
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This study is aimed at finding out the cost of economic cultivation of cassava in Itu Loc...
Background Of The Study
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a chronic, progressive, systemic disease characterize...
Background of the Study
Consumer perception of product quality is a critical factor in...
This study was carried out on embracing top-down information communication as a means of enhancing innovation i...
The Lomb-Scargle discrete Fourier transform (LSDFT) is a fairly popular technique for analyzing time series within the astronomy...
Background of the Study:
Network security is an essential component of modern academic institutions, particularly for safeg...
Background of the Study
Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are infections that patients acquire during the course of recei...